Force Factor
Ripped off 75 dollars

Health & Medicine

I ordered a "free trial"of force factor online. I needed to enter my credit card information for shipping and handling. I received a email confirming my order with the charge for shipping and handling.

I few weeks later I found a charge for 75 dollars on the same card. When I called to tell them I did not order anything they said I signed up for a program when I agreed to the free trial. Apparently, there was a small box with a 8pt font next to the credit card entry explaining you have to call and cancel or be charged.

My problem...

#1 the font is very difficult to read (I have bad vision)
#2 they don't give you any of this information in the free trial confirmation email
#3 they don't ever email you to let you know you are going to be charged additional fees

This company is clearly getting business in a very unethical way because I was charged for something I did not want. I was told if I return the bottle I was charged for I will be refunded but I have read online that they will not return your money so I might as well just keep the bottle I paid for now.

Company: Force Factor
Country: USA
Address: 650 Wauhatchie Pike Chattanooga, TN 37419-2427
Phone: 18774927243
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Force Factor
Force Factor Free Trial Scam $75

Extra "Free" Bottle not Really Free after Doubling the Shipping and Handling Charges

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Unauthorized billing

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Force Factor
Free trial scam

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Unauthorized charges