Eight squared ripoff unauthorized charges to my account cancelled several months ago was told they "have no record"

Health & Medicine

I signed up for a free sample and well before my trial period was up I cancelled through e-mail as instructed because I could not afford to be charged. I then get a shipment a few months later for which I was charged $79.99 for. Once again I cancelled because I was told they had "no record".in reviewing my account with my bank a few days ago I realized that I had been charged the $79.99 once again. Contacted them and was told they "had no record of cancellation! I've had it!!! This is totally unacceptable!!!

Company: Eightsquared
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Address: 5210 Western Blvd
Phone: 9198160800
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Ripoff will not honor my cancellation Maryland


Family Readers Club
Magazine Scam

"freecreditreport.com" My checking account was charged 8 times after cancellation, and my bank charged me over $100.00 in Bank fees because of it Internet

Ripoff Negligent irresponsible unconcerned

Berkeley Pharmaceticals - Eight Squared - Suvaril
Rip-off! I cancelled the order weeks before & I still got charged! Cincinatti

Unauthorized Credit Card Charge

America Online Cancelled acct, yet I am 130 days & $103.60 past due

Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals

Reversatrol Inc
Charged for more product after I cancelled trial product, plus never received the product