America Online Cancelled acct, yet I am 130 days & $103.60 past due

Internet & Web

It's been such a long time, about 4 months. About a week ago I get home and get my mail, and see a letter from AOL. I open it, and it says i owe $103.60 and i'm 130 days past due. I think to myself why is this? Then I remember, about four months ago, or so (June).. I signed up for an AOL Free Trial. I never used the service once or even installed the software, which resulted in an almost immediate cancellation.

The man I spoke with told me my account was cancelled and that it was effective immediately, but that my AOL email would still be active (I cannot even recall what the username is anymore). So I said ok, hung up, and that was that... But to my surprised I get this letter in the mail. They're completely mistaken.

I called and spoke with a cst service agent and supervisor, and they both told me that there was no record of my cancellation call. Is it because it was never cancelled, or that it was done incorrectly? I don't know, they won't tell me.

It's completely unfair that I have to pay money that I do not owe.

Company: Aol
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Dulles
Address: 22000 AOL Way
Phone: 8008276364
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America OnLine (AOL)
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America Online
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