Ferno Washington
Ferno Bweare of Ferno Washington, they are a scam!

Health & Medicine

Ferno Washington is a total scam! They offered me a position as a Regional Sales Manager and when I counter offered their offer, they rescinded the offer. The benefit package they offer is terrible. The offer letter they send does not match at all what the employment agreement states. HR, Helen Smith is a joke along with Chris Cleves, Director of ERS and Kris Turner who's head is so far up Chris Cleves arse, he will never see day light.

They claim to be launching two industry revolutionizing products. They are introducing a powered cot/stretcher and a powered stair chair.

They claim to have no competition with either product. Wait until
Stryker unleashes their new products, bye, bye Ferno!

Karma is a b*ch Ferno!

Company: Ferno Washington
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Wilmington
Address: 70 Weil Way Wilmington, OH 45177
Phone: 19373821451
Site: ferno.com
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Washington Tax Services
Very willing to accept Money, but Unwilling to do honest work. Ripoff

Washington Mutual
Problems with credit

Washington Mutual
Deceitful and misleading marketing practices of Washington Mutual

Washington Mutual "WaMu"
Washington Mutual WaMu Fraudulent Practices Credit Card Fraud - Bait and Switch

This company offered a trial offer on the internet for a teeth whitening product

Total Scam, Fraudulent Advertising, Total Rip-Off, No chance to review or cancel your order, Way Overcharge

United States Postal Service
Fraudulently sold insurance on an item Washington District of Columbia

Avery Stone - Memberserv USA
Avery Stone - Steve Goldberg - Memberserv USA Ripoff Duo

Took Money For Product They Don't Offer Anymore

National Small Business Alliance
Ripoff smooth and fast talking