Wage Works / Cobra Coverage
Late Sending / Lost COBRA Documents

Health & Medicine

I had been liad off for just two weeks on 12/30 from my executive work. Our child is just a full-time university student on my main mecdical insurance plan and was taken sick with abdominal issues that needed physicians appointments and medical imaging in addition to perscriptions. Salary Function dropped my info and may not find the files by Feb 07. I named 3 times since January 15th and Salary Works Website 120 customer support reps mentioned that my former company hadn't delivered them the paperwork even though recruiting office said otherwise. Salary Work ultimately delivered the types normal email plus they came on Feb 12th more than 30 days following the day they're officially said to be sent to the client plaintiff. I'd to contact Salary Function to obtain the projected price and that I delivered the ARRA software, COBRA application type and check to Salary Works via standard email. Unfortunatley, used to do not deliver the complted types and cost check via authorized mailnad alternatively delivered them on 02/15 by regualr email. I received the expenses for medical imaging, physicians and perscriptions with state refused in the clinic billing sections on 03/29. After I named Salary Works concerning the COBRA insurance expansion their statements reps mentioned they never received any paper-work or expenses which because it has ended 60-days since 01/01 they could not let me resend the finished forms plus a fresh look for the COBRA quantity. Website 120 customer support reps were approached once the expenses with insurance coverage refused in late Goal plus they advised me since more than 60 times had previous I had been no further entitled to COBRA insurance policy. They've declined to I would like to consult with their administrators and reluctantly accepted that there is an appeals procedure. They grudgingly supplied the facts for that processing of the conventional charm and repeatedly mentioned that it'd dome no-good as over 60 times had happened which all potential medical expenses could be refused. Salary Functionis state reps blame this about the US Email support and my disappointment to deliver them the types authorized mail though they delivered them in my experience 14 days late via standard email. Salary Performs previous tardiness and administrative/customer support ineptitude makes this dubious regarding if the types were really dropped within the email. I delivered the paperwork instantly on 02/15. I believe their previous lateness in running my plaintiff information (43 times to shipping) resulting in Salary Works late deliver via normal email of the types in addition to Salary Operates obvious absence of an net claims control website lets you know alot about their business and its own archaic strategy. After two problems to truly have a boss return my calls as guaranteed from the customer support reps, I'm suspicious the published appeals procedure is likely to be effectively solved without appropriate representation.

Company: Wage Works / Cobra Coverage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Vista
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