Never received product after trial

Health & Medicine

I buy Pliatrol using the comprehending that it'd function as price of delivery only. I never noticed something again so far.

Company: Pliatrol
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
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Pliatrol and RezV Clear
Scam-free trial auto ship

RezVClear / pliatrol
Advertisement item

Quality Resources
They had my credit card #? How?

Raw Minerals
Iritated consume

Healthy Online Services
Essential Health Brands They said I owed an amount of $133.95 for some sort of Pliatrol and would ruin my credit

Revitalize Health and Beauty
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Age Invisible
I was scammed. Again, and they won't even listen to my story
Consumer Report

African Mango Salt Lake City
Consumer Report