Healthy Online Services
Essential Health Brands They said I owed an amount of $133.95 for some sort of Pliatrol and would ruin my credit

Health & Medicine

Last July my credit card was charged $4.95, $0.99, & $0.99. I was searching online and I saw a 14 day trial for one product. I put in my information and the computer began to change screens. I thought maybe something was wrong with my computer. When I returned home from a trip, I had a message from my bank stating that they suspected I had been scammed and had charges from several Western states and one from Israel. The bank immediately canceled my Visa.

On March 4 I received a letter from this company stating I owed them $133.95 and they had tried several times to hit my credit card and it was declined. (thankfully) I tried calling the 1-877-537-2434 number and everytime I would get to the next caller the phone would disconnect. Finally I spoke to Damon and he said I must pay this or they will ruin my credit. I tried talking to him, but to no avail. He gave me another number to call being 1-877-486-7725 & it was the same recording and the same thing happened in that I finally got to caller 1 and they disconnected me.

I did file a report with my bank and my next step is the Better Business Bureau. The company comes up in Arizona and Delaware. So beware that you don't get scammed again. I see that the colon cleanse and several other things on the ripoff website are the same amount of $133.95. I refuse to be scared into putting this on my credit. My prayer is that others will not be scammed or scared too.

It is shameful to be so deceitful. God help them!

Company: Healthy Online Services
Country: USA
Address: 7904 E Chaparal Rd #A110-146
Phone: 18775372434
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Federal Grant
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Colon CLEANSE 3000
Colon cleanse 3000 Fraud

Healthy Online Services
Colon Cleanse 3000 - FRAUD FRAUD - SCAM - and now they are doing it again! After being reported to the bank and being forced to repay consumers the first time! How are they getting away with this?

Healthy Online Services
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