The worst experience I have ever

Health & Medicine

The worst experience I have ever had. I was lied to, over charged for shipping and had to send one pair back twice.
Have lost any confidence as to what they tell me and what they do. I have been dealing with these people from Dec 17 and still haven't received my total order. There web site states a 48 hour turnaround... Yea right. These people are so screwed up on communication, customer service and quality of the product. Please be very aware about ordering eyeglasses from eyeglassesdirect.com in Brooklyn, NY.

Company: Eyeglassesdirect.com
Country: USA
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Ultra Life Fitness

Worst experience I ever had

Tvaddicts. tv - Dvdavenue. tv
Tvaddicts. Tv - Dvdavenue. Tv charged me and did not deliver after five months with several contradictory excues, ripoff

Melt-It Off with Mitch Gaylord
Awful Online/Customer Service Experience - Melt-It Off order line

Best Buy Eyeglasses
Bad service

Alsbury Animal Hospital Laurie Matranga
Employee of Vet using witchcraft?

H & R Block
H&R site did not issue key. Upon request been given runaround for nearly a month.internet

Nationwide Insurance
All they care about is "Their Side"

Alyon Technologies Aka Merchants' Credit Guide Aka Allied Internatiional Credit
(censored)! Ripoff

Saxon Mortgage Services
Untimely posting of payment