Healthy Right Now - Bexatrol
"Here at Healthy Right Now we are committed to customer satisfaction" NOT TRUE. I'm not satisfied and your customer service does not exist

Health & Medicine

I made an order for Bexatrol on February 27 the company guaranteed delivery in 2-9 days. They sent out a confimation letter assuring me of their committment to customer satisfaction which included several phone numbers and email addresses. When the products did not arrive I called the 800 number and was told sorry we don't deal with questions, this is an order line only, please call 219-661-1875 and a customer representative will answer your questions. I called the 219 number and a voicemail message is all I got, there are no live humans at this number from the time they open until they close. I have tried for days to reach them without success. I called the 800 number again and this time a nice young woman suggested I email them. I did multiple times to both addresses provided, with no response. I called the 800 number again, and again was told to email and call the 219 number. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told there isn't one, I asked who to contact if I had a problem and was told I'm sorry I cannot help you.

I'm out $129.00 plus shipping and have nothing to show for it. The experience with Healthy Right Now and Bexatrol has been frustrating and I believe this company to be a big rip off. When they write in their letter "your business is greatly appreciated" it's not true. They appreciate my money not me as a customer otherwise they would respond and make the situation right.

Company: Healthy Right Now - Bexatrol
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Cordova
Address: Po Box 1327
Phone: 8004257005
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