Supposed debt bill every year without notice or warning!

Health & Medicine

I keep getting charged for an unpaid account every year without ever having received a notice that I owed or anything. It happens every year. I paid it the first two times they claimed I owed because I didn't have proof that I didn't owe, or to disclaim it, and because I didn't want my credit to be affected. Yet they keep insisting I owe them and when I asked for a copy of the bill and any other information they never sent it. I still haven't received any prior information about this bill and every year they claim I owe them from years ago. What can I do to solve this problem and find out why they keep charging me for something I don't owe?

Plz advise smb!

Company: NCO-Medclr
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
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