NCO Financial
Bad pratices to collect a debt - not even sure if its legit Indiana

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I did not fill in the location of NCO Financial because I don't know where they are. I received a phone call last week about a $100 debt I owed them from AT&T. I have never received a bill for this from NCO. The lady asked me a lot of intrusive questions, like why it hasn't been paid, my current address ect. I did tell her that my husband was out of work and had been for almost a year. Then she asked if I filed my taxes, which is none of her business. She said the she would call everyday until this was resolved but I insisted that she send a bill with all the information. I still haven't received a bill. I also called a company called credit dusters to check my credit and help repair it a little. I told the guy there about the phone call. He said he didn't care if I paid it or not since they once called him about a debt and constantly harassed him. Then I found all the complaints on this site - about 650? How many complaints have to filed before someone burries this company?

Company: NCO Financial
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Surpass Resource Corporation
Collection ageny who never reported debt paid. Now Dell says I still Owe! Ripoff

ALW Sourcing, LLC
NCO Financial Listed a debt on my credit report from 5 years ago that was paid 5 years ago

NCO Financial Systems
NCL Financial Systems Harassment, violations of Consumer Credit Protection Act

Northland Group/Collections
Silent Calls

G.S. Financial
Ripoff, trying to double collect on a debt

Pinnacle Financial Group
Mean Nasty People Harrassment is the new phone Assault!

NCO Financial Systems
Ipoff dishonest fraudulent billings

Whitewing Financial Group
Ripoff Don't have correct information and claim we have debt to pay!

NCO Financial Services
Inovision-Ncop - Merlin contracted GPU account out to Pinnacle Financial Pinnacle settled with me for half 415.57. NCO kept the money and won't report to credit bureaus or GPU

Robin Tolbvert, Pentagroup Financial