Product never shipped. 30 days to refund 2 days to debit my account Ripoff

Health & Medicine

Salvia is not sold in stores. It is a great incense for meditation. This company told me they sent it out on November 17 with a fraudulent tracking number. On December 2, 18 days later I asked for my money back. They said it would take up to 30 days. Websites like those make me NEVER want to buy on line. I am glad it was only $15.00

Company: Iamshaman.com
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Phone: 3124558271
Site: iamshaman.com
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Brand Name Outlet
Designer Brand Outlet, Deceptive delivery notice, given a TNT tracking number dated 2006. Item was not shipped when notifed. Sidney

Prodigy Cellular
Paid for a cellular phone and never recieved it

IGIA - Windstorm Vaccuum
Ripped-off and hung out to dry! Looking into filing a lawsuit!


Healthydiscountcard / unlimiteddownloads.com
Healthydiscountcard unlimiteddownloads.com ripoff Internet

Fresh Salvia, salvia, Internet

Rip off, fraudulent meds on line

Singer Lazer Storm

Chase Bank (Sony Card)
Ripoff not returning $26000 credit amount for over 30 days

Trinity 1945 - paintforcars.com
Trinity 1945 - Autopaintforcars.com - paintforcars.com Processed payment and never shipped the item. Still waiting for refund or product after weeks!