E Value
Rxservices ripoff

Health & Medicine

These people claim that they send you medications at low cost from europe, and they never do. I fell for that. Do not fall into this scam.

This people make you pay with electronic checks, there is no way of filing a claim for an electronic check, always use a visa/mastercard or cc method when purchasing something online... Banks will file a claim when you use them. Make sure that you have a way of contacting these companies via phone or through a physical addres. A lot of these "virtual companies" never post a contact phone number or physical addres on their web sites. And finally, don't forget to check for companie's name on these website. Good luck everyone!!!

Company: E Value
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
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No Prescription Drugs / Health Products
PNI Pharma Group is ABSOLUTELY a rip-off scam! DO NOT ORDER from them

Fraudulent online billing

CPS Group - MSP Group
Fraudulent electronic check ripoff

Guardian Marketing, Capital Vacations Scam Ripoff Cheat Lie Steal Ripoff

RX Services
Cashed my check immediately but never delivered product! Internet Only California

Aspire Visa

Utalk Unlimited
Ripoff they put put through an electronic check without permission and the customer service is in ASIA! They claim the electronic check was declined

123 Movers
Do NOT Use Agents Advertised By 123 Movers, they Are Brokers For Scam Artists ripoff

Internet Opinion Group

JBC Legal Group
Fraudulant Bad Check Claim