Aspire Visa

Business & Finance

I buy a lot on the internet and pay almost all of my bills online, which is a direct draft electronic transfer. I started noticing that when I paid Aspire online I was charged $35 for this as a fee. I've got to tell you I about fell over. I emailed the company an expressed my disbelief. I said you would actually rather have a physical check sent through the mail that someone has to open an process over an electronic draft thats in your hands at the time the payment is made. They wrote back a couple of times and basically said this was the fee they charged. I knew at that moment there was something wrong with this fee and it should be illegal. I mailed a check this time to see if it makes it on time. I got this card not by applying, but by them buying my Providian Visa

Company: Aspire Visa
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: P.O. Box 105374
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Aspire Visa Aka Columbus Bank
Inquired Providian Visa sent Aspire Visa all Lies Beware

Aspire Visa
More like aspire to rip-off my money

Aspire Visa
Providian ripoff

Aspire Visa Credit Card
Dishonest overbilling. Lacks transparency Ripoff Atlanta Georgia

Visa - providian aspire visa is garnashing wages for my debt that has been paid in full! Internet

Aspire visa card
Aspirecard visa card ripoff they got the check on the 10th for the agreed amount now they say i owe more!

Aspire Visa
Charging for "Cardsafe" when it was cancelled thru "Cardsafe", NO statement in the mail with late fee's when statement is finally mailed

Aspire Visa
TOTAL BS Columbus Georgia

Aspire Visa
Help! Bought my Providian account along with over 430,000 others

Visa Aspire
Gave then took away before even using the card