The Orthopedic Institute - Dr Sanjay Misra MD
Terrorist Supporte

Health & Medicine

On 12-24, I was injured on the job. This injury resulted in back surgery and more pain then before. On December I was referred to The San Antonio Orthopedic Group clinic to see a Dr Sanjay Misra MD a designated doctor appointed by Texas Workers Compensation Commission for an exam and evaluation of MMI and impairment rating.

Approx. 30 min. After arriving at Dr. Misra's office. I was called and placed in a treatment room that resemble a storage area more than a treatment room were I waited another 30 min. Before Dr. Misra came in. When Dr. Misra enter he appeared some what upset. He asked me if I was in the Army, I said, "No, I am a Marine Veteran."

Next thing I know this guy became unglued and started Yelling at me that I did not belong there that I belonged at the VA hospital. Yelling at me. You go! You go! Now. You don't belong here you belong in the VA. I told Dr. Misra I was injured on the job and ordered there by Texas workers comp. Commission for a designated doctor's exam.

He then settled down some what and told me he felt offended that I would walk into his office wearing a Marine corps cap. He said the US did not belong in Iraq and the Marines in Falluja were the real insurgents killing and raping men, women, and children. I hate Marines! You Must Understand! It is wrong!

I told Dr. Misra I was not there to discuss the war with him or with anyone there and that I wear the Marine corps cap in solidarity with Marine Corps. He then said he was finished with the exam and that the commission would get his report. Dr. Misra never gave a me physical exam, but in his report he stated he did.

When I reported this to TWCC. They said he did not have to perform a physical exam and I should not wear clothing offensive to others. Similar advice was given to me from my attorney's Legal assistant Elvi Gonzales (of Matthew's & Associates) about wearing clothing offensive to others.

I strongly feel that Dr. Misra findings showing I had reached maximum medical improvement and an impairment rating of 10% was based solely on his dislike of anyone in the US Military, past or present, with a greater dislike of Marines.

The findings of Dr. Daniel Maire and the VA doctors finding that totally disputes Dr. Misra findings on not only on the impairment rating, but MMI as well. And to further validate the inaccurate conclusion of Dr. Misra's findings I am currently being treated at the Veterans Hospital in San Antonio where doctors have discussed with me surgery of the lumbar spine which according to the VA Doctors should already have be performed.

It appears Dr Misra set out to give me the lowest impairment rating he could and state that I was at MMI completely ignoring my Medical records for simply wearing a Marine Corps cap. And this guy still works for TWCC.

Company: The Orthopedic Institute - Dr Sanjay Misra MD
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 400 Concord Plaza Dr. Ste. 300
Phone: 2102222212
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