State Of Texas Workers Compensation
Texas workers comp insurance scam uncovered

Politics & Government

I really don't know where to begin. What I just found out today is awesume! Let's see. If you are an injured worker in the state of TX. Then you have had to an impairment rating.

Let's go from there. You have an IR (impairment rating) that you don't agree with. Well would you like to know HOW those designated doctors arrive at that rating?

Here it is. First they have a program that calculates the numbers that the technician imputs. Those numbers are converted into a rating. Now, what no one will tell you nor will the insurance tell you is the fact the doctor has the right to use one of several "modules" inside that program. That is how he "manipulates" your rating. Now, there is a "module" inside the program that is called DRE. Well, if the designated doctor uses that rating instead of the ROM (range of motion) then your rating will be much LESS.

Now, if you can dispute this rating, do so, and challenge the designated doctor on his "modules". He has to prove in a court (if challenged that far) what modules he used. If he says he did a total body rating, then he would have to show ALL of the modules used, not just the ones that would limit your benefit.

See, that's what the insurnace company wants. A low rate, hence, they don't have to pay you. The DD gets his thousand dollars for doing the rating, and then he is done with you. So, you see, this is all an insurance company scam doubling with the so called designated dumb ass doctors...
Burleso, Texas

Company: State Of Texas Workers Compensation
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
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