Microsoft Ultimate Steal
Impossible to order

Games & Gaming process

Microsoft as well as their electronic water people create the confirmation procedure REALLY unpleasant and time intensive - in the place of waiting after dark MONTH that I Have been waiting I wound up purchasing the application

I hopped thru every ring and hurdle to adhere to the rules of the present however they possibly have one individual who discusses the emails that everybody directs in thus it requires weeks and weeks to obtain the program should you ever have it. For a business as large as microsoft you had believe they'd wish to allow it to be a satisfying experience.

I wound up obtaining a Corel item - atleast they create their items sensible plus they do not publish presents all around the web simply to gather data.

Used to donot possess a *. Edu current email address and so I needed to start a hotmail account - a trick by microsoft to collect advertising details about my own college alone personally, I know of NO BODY that's attempted to obtain this application that's effectively gotten it - I consider courses at two distinct places and most people are simply waiting and waiting...

Company: Microsoft Ultimate Steal
Country: USA
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Poor customer service

Microsoft Corporation
Fraud and scam

Digital River/Microsoft
Poor service, possible fraud

Microsoft Office 2010
Illed twice

Defrauding customers with unusable software products
Terrible experience!

Quick to swindle slow to rectify - windows anytime upgrade

Microsoft, Hotmail
Ripoff violated the constitution of the united states

Digital River
Paid for software download but didnt get it

America's Servicing Company
Lying, thieving sons-of-b wouldn't return escrow overpayment