Trend Micro AntiVirus 2007
Same as everyone else it seems

Games & Gaming process

I have the same stuff. Sigh. It was recommended to me by Geek Squad (Best Buy). It let viruses in. So, I finally had to un-inastall and re-instral WinXP. (TM couldn't "clean on of the files?"—but no info. As to what to do) Well, TM was GONE! I tried to re-install it (I'd paid for a year and only used it 2 mos!) First, it just refused. Then, it said my RAM was too low (not according to their specs), but it had worked before! (Sort've!) Then, it said my serial# was "invalid"., even though i had used it twice before to download. Now, I just get "Update you rRAm!" or "You had 30 days!"—!!! I am so pe_od! Anybody know what I do now??? Oh, and don't forget to HAVE A NICE DAY! (I even sent them all my system files!)

Company: Trend Micro AntiVirus 2007
Country: USA
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