Rude employee


Girls name is veronica bocout, or anything of this lastname. I had been a new comer to the shop area. I noticed the product was out and simply questioned her, since she was strolling by, 'is there anymore within the back." "I Will go check." She moves and not returns, I understand w/d I waited. I thought she got swept up with clients. I chose to discover her later and have her, 'did you discover any?"

She provides me the ugliest search and claims 'Does it seem like I came across it." and walks down. Thats inadequate customer support. I visit check-out and have the cashier when they understood the lady, she did and offered me her complete name. I ask her to contact the supervisor and so I may protest. I needed and waited and waited and waited. Our icecream was just starting to soften and so I chose to call-in and article online. Rude customer support who cannot perform a basic job. She still operates there and that Iam amazed as rude as she's, she still works there. I examine additional grievances about that HEB, Perhaps mine is nothing set alongside the workers as of this area, that continuously grab clients charge cards.

Company: Heb
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
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