Home Depot
Home Depots Bogus Product Replacement Warranty - GE 8,000 BTU window air conditione

Electronics and household app.

Bought a GE 8,000 BTU window air conditioner summer 2011. Used for two weeks then it was stored inside the house until August at which time I slid it back into the window. Was fine for one week then the unit went topsy turbee. Water leaked into the house (air conditioner is level according to the new level purchased from Home Depot), very loud gurgling sounds, not cool.

Took another week to get it out of the window (I had to hire help). With paperwork including warranty in hand I went to my local Home Depot who were kind enough to inform me that I was suppose to register the warranty. So, we registered it while at the store and put in a claim for what the warranty says — replacement.

Ok, heads up for everyone. They do not replace anything. They eventually send you a gift card for the original purchase price (minus sales tax and warranty cost). That's it & FALSE ADVERTISING OR JUST BOLD FACE LYING!

I have been waiting seven days as of 10 am tomorrow. Still no email, no gift card no nothing but a very hot house. To make matters worse, this is my worse asthma year ever. So, it is hot, humid and stuffy in my little house and there is nothing I can do about it. I have to wait for the email that still has not come.

Have I called their warranty company? Yes! Called on the 23rd. Again on the 24th and twice on the 27th. They just say the EXACT thing over and over as if they are reading a script — we have 48 hours to get that email to you.

Ok, in whose timeline does 48 hours equate to over one week.

Now they are going to mail it to me which will take 10 more days.

So in a total of three weeks from the day I tried to get a warranty replacement I will have some money to replace my air conditioner. Oh, did I forget to mention that the unit costs more? Guess who has to pay the difference - yuuuuuup, ME. So, after over three weeks and an additional $90, I can get the same air conditioner.

Meanwhile, I wheeze, cough, choke, have to puff steroids trying to clear my lungs so I can breath.

THANKS HOME DEPOT FOR ummmmmm ummmmmm the three weeks of cool air I did get at a cost of $240.

Company: Home Depot
Country: USA
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