X-Box Live (microsoft)
X-Box 360, X-Box Live free game scam

Electronics and household app.

In the last year, I noticed that Microsoft was running a promotion for a free game when you sign up for a year of x-box live. I thought this was a fantastic deal and signed right up. I recieved a follow up email stating that my game would be sent out in 8-10 weeks. Never recieved it. I called the company after weeks had gone by and still nothing. I was informed that this would be taken care of and I should again receive my game in 8-10 weeks. And again, I never received it. I finally went and bought the game since it was one that I really wanted. I just recieved a renenwal email and it reminded me that I never even heard back from them.

I called in and was informed that i contacted them too late and the promotion was over and their was nothing that could be done or as Im sure what they meant was... WOULD be done. This is bait and switch. I have seen others online and would very much like to get a class action lawsuit going. Contact me if you would like to be apart of this. I am cancelling my X-box live and going to purchase a PS3. Customer service is obviously non-existent at Microsoft. They need to be shown that every customer matters and they are never too big to be held to their promises. We pay the fee, they supply the product and/or service. It's a simple thing.

Company: X-Box Live (microsoft)
Country: USA
Phone: 18004699269
Site: support.xbox.com
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Microsoft Xbox Live
Promotion Scam

XBOX LIVE GOLD Promo Bogus - Xbox 360

Microsoft, xbox
Xbox 360, microsoft, xbox live xbox, microsoft, xbox live double charging plus per game

Ubisoft Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Free Knives Add-On content for xbox 360

Extremly slow and no help from customer service

False advertising nationwide

Xbox 360 backwards compatibility - Xbox 360

X-box Live
Microsoft credit card nightmare

Microsoft XBox
Game lost in console, not returned

X Box
Credit Card Fees