T mobile
T mobile

Electronics and household app.

I am walmart employee and I had an additional phone line but when it was activated they gave me 2different accounts I get discount through walmart so when thet gave me the 2nd account the discount would not be on the second account so I have 2phone bills I have called tmobile twice and it was suppose to be taken care of now I have 2bills and 1of the bils does not have the discount now I have received a letter they will cut my phones off I have been paying the bills except they sent me a paper bill with a different account Jackie Nesbit, mississippi

Company: T mobile
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Nesbit
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My family mobile
Well im a employee of walmart an decided to change phone providers due to saving. Unfortunatly my husband phone broke and I decided turn off that additional line

Walmart family mobile
Walmart family mobile over charge monthly bills

Consumer Report

Stick it to customers on final bill

TMobile Unethical billing Internet

Walmart employees are completely unfai

I was misled, and refilled my account thinking I would get the new plan on the 4th

Tmobile cell phone provide
Consumer Report

CEO Refuses to Give Customer Her 12% Employer Discount! Lansing

T-Mobile misrepresentation