Simon Ford, exporter. Ford@gmail.com ripp offs, con artists, scammers china

Electronics and household app.

This company is a ripoff! I found them on www.tradekey.com which is were many companies respond to requests for goods from out of the country. They pretend to sell electronics of all kinds. I sent them payment for a Ps3 and an Ipod but never got it! They sent me an email and said I would get it by March 17 which has came and gone. They wont repond to emails. They are scum bag thieves! The email was exporter. Ford@gmail.com and goes by Simon Ford. The site is www.hui-mall.com Be warned!

Company: www.hui-mall.com
Country: USA
Address: China
Site: hui-mall.com
  <     >  


Simon Ford, email: exporter. Ford.com, Johnny Brown, exporter. Brown.com, This company changes their names, DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM. Wuhan

Simon Ford
Jiaoyan Huang, www.hui-mall.com, simpon ford, Simon Ford Rip-off D wuhan

Ripoff the business that doesnt give a dam Mall Of Georgia Ford

Ford Motor Company
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Ford Motor Company
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