Direct Tv
Charged early 260.00 temination fee, charged me for eqipment and took the equipment back wont give money back

Electronics and household app.

Hello let me begin by saying i am very upset with this company Direct TV first of all my landlord sold the house i was renting and i had to move where i moved they dont allow satalite so i told direct tv i can no longer have them they were very persistent for me to ask my landlord now and tell them i have rights to let me keep direct tv i said i was affraid it was gonna cause problems with me just moveing in so they said i have a early termination fee which they never told me about cause i had a bundle with verizon so they are chargeing me $260.00 i was gonna deal with that amount, But what toped it all off was when they said we want all the equipment back and i said but why if i payied $221.00 for it they said they were giveing me $5.00 back a month on my bill so i have to send the equipment back or they charge me $400.00 and something dollars they said. So i am gonna send it back i dont want my credit ruined but i think they are completly unfair and a ripoff for takeing my money and not giveing it back when they get there equipment back please help me get my money back

Company: Direct Tv
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: PO box78626
Address: PO box 6550 Greenwood Village Colorado 80155
Phone: 18005315000
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Direct TV - Direct Star
Direct TV And Direct Star Charged for equipment twice overcharge of $400.00

Customer complaint - Billing Dept is very inadequate

Direct TV
Awful company

Direct TV Sales
Directv customer service - Direct TV

Refund - direct tv

Direct Tv
Billing Department

Charged unknown pay per view after equipment returned Pulaski

Direct TV
Being harassed by Direct TV

Cancel Fraud

Direct TV
Consumer Report