Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc
Sony Computer Entertainment of America Firmware Update 3.21 Removes advertised feature early adopters paid for

Electronics and household app.

I had purchased my Sony PS3 in Aug for $499.99 Tax. It was advertised with a feature called "Other OS" which allowed owners to install an alternate operating system on the machine. The newest model called "PS3 Slim" is sold and advertised to not have this feature, but is only $299.99 tax.

On April 1st, all PS3s required a firmware update which only affected early purchasers (like myself) by giving us an ultimatum. Either we do the update which takes away the "Other OS" (which was an advertised feature) OR we would lose access to the network and the ability to play future game and film releases (which are also advertised features).

If my older model PS3 conforms to the newer model's feature set, I feel I should at least be entitled to the difference in cost ($200). Sony customer care says they can not assist me in this matter. Though this is a controversial update that is being debated around the world and all over the internet, Sony still refuses to comment on the update or reimburse effected PS3 owners.

Company: Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Foster City
Address: 919 E Hillsdale blvd
Phone: 8003457669
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