Community Marketing Solutions/Elevation
This company is not what it says it is. They ripoff you and the consume

Electronics and household app.

I do not know where to start, this company is so false and unprofessional it is unbelievable. I had just moved here and was looking for a job for about one week, I posted my resume online and was contacted by this company (joke).

I went in for a interview where I met MALCOLM, he was a manager and told me my resume was impressive and I was the type of person this company was looking for. After about a 10 minute bullshit session the interview was over.

Before I even got home (about a 20 minute ride), I was contacted and asked if I would come in for a second interview. I was told the interview was from 9:30 till 5:30 and the dress was business professional.

Now this is where it gets to be a f*ing joke. I arrive at the interview to see 8 other second interviews waiting also. They ranged from highly professional like me to a dude who looked like a crack dealer. At this time I faked a serious phone call and said I would have to re-schedule.

Now in these times a company would not even give me a second chance, but after I researched this company I called back to set up the second interview again. I wanted to see if the other reports on this site were true.

So I show up and again there are 8 other people waiting. I go out with a so-called top 10 in the nation seller and a KID who is on his first day of training. We went to Gastonia and Denver (North Carolina).

On the way I am told you will make $500.00 a week for 2-4 weeks, then $1000.00 a week for 4 months, then $3500.00 a week after that and will be a manager. Since I already knew this was a joke I went along just to see who they were ripping off.

We went to about 10 "clients" and they were sold new credit card/debit card processors. Yes this company still sells the AT&T shit to but it has branched out into INTUIT (the largest credit processing company).

The LEAD SELLER told his bullshit and 4 "clients" bought it hook-line-and sinker. They were told INTUIT sets the market rate and they will save anywhere from $30 to $420 a month depending on the amount they process.

After a 8 hour day of hearing, listening to, and watching this shit we arrived back at the office. I had to wait for 10 minutes then SHAUN HOGAN the OWNER came out and asked me back to the office.

He asked me what I thought and I told him some bullshit, then I COULD NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE SO I TOLD HIM HIS COMPANY WAS A SCAM. As I walked out I made sure to let 1 fellow interviewee know what the company was and he also walked out.

This company is a joke, they will rip you off and the customers. Do not work here and please do not let anyone you know work here either.

Also I can show you and tell you that this is also a pyramid scheme, only SHAUN HOGAN and MALCOLM are going to make any money.

I am also going to Gastonia and Denver to let the people know they are going to get ripped off.

Peddy the punisherCornelius, North Carolina

Company: Community Marketing Solutions/Elevation
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Address: 6302 Fairview Lane Suite 104
Phone: 7043671497
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Community Marketing Solutions
Unprofessional, Unorginized, Waste Of MY TIME

US Marketing Alliance
Pyramid-type employment scheme in Sales and Marketing

US Marketing Alliance
Pyramid-type employment scheme in Sales and Marketing

US Marketing Alliance
Pyramid-type employment scheme in Sales and Marketing

Scam job offe

Core Marketing Solutions
Also known by in many different names. Core Marketing Solutions is a pyramid scheme

U.S. Marketing Alliance
Marketing alliance is sales only

Cyndicate Solutions CSI
Glad I read the previous reports on CSI ripoff

Eqm, Inc
Marketing Scam Company

National Marketing
Beware of false job listing and scam