Fry's Electronics

Electronics and household app.

Oxnard shop (#44) on Saturday September 11th and bought one product: a chilling are a symbol of my notebook, the cost was $24.99. Although I had been going-over my bank documents later the following week I realized that they confirmed a fee for $54.35 from Cookis, and so I looked over my bill and that I have been billed twice for my product. Therefore the following Sunday (nowadays September 18th) I returned to become returned for that stay used to do not obtain, the client support worker required my bill togo and confirm, nevertheless when he delivered he explained the shops stock matched my bill and there is nothing he might do for me personally. I inquired easily might talk to a so that they might correct the problem. I had been provided the store-manageris business-card and informed to call-back on Wednesday since you will find no supervisors within the shop about the breaks.

Lets see how long it requires to obtain a reaction when...

Company: Fry's Electronics
Country: USA
State: California
City: Oxnard
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