
Electronics and household app.

Charging me for a Canada Long distance service $4.95 per month. Saying I requested it when I signed up. I dont know anybody in Canada! Any Reimbursement? Just this Bill where I caught the Charge. Better check your bills, this wasn't the only overcharge!

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
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Integrel - worldwebaccess - Verizon
IntegreTel Verizon bills for this company This company billed me thru Verizon

Ripoff charging me since 2000 for services not requested or authorized @ rate of $16.90 per month Internet

Verizon ESBI
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Verizon charged me for text messaging and I DO NOT text! I called for 4 months straight to NO avail!

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Unauthorized USBI charge of 21.35 showing up on Verizon bill

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Verizon North
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OAN - Verizon Outrageous Telephone Scam By OAN Verizon Billing Concepts Rip Off The last billing from Verizon included OAN fee!

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