Circuit City
Rude Employee, Manager and a Ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I've worked at Circuit City for a while before the liquidation of items occurred in GA.

I am told that the stores are liquidating items and have signage to that point, but I am particularly disqruntled with a Circuit City in Grand Rapids, MI.

The employees and managers are rude, and could care less if they give good honest "Customer Service".

My Aunt and her sister went to the store on 28th Street in Grand Rapids Michigan and wanted to purchase a Cassette/CD/MP3 boombox. She spoke with an employee and was told that the item she purchase would do all 3. She questioned the employee on the spot about being able to especially play MP3s and he assured her it would. She returned home and popped her MP3 in the machine and nothing. She tried the cassette and it worked, she tried the CD and it worked, but not the MP3 function.

Because being accustomed to decent or good customer service in my area, I suggested she go back to the store and talk to the sales person and see if they could help her. Upon returning, she was cussed out, the personnel was rude, the manager was worse and to top it off, they actually threatened to escort her out of the store.

How unprofessional that a store that should be giving respect and at least some customer service would treat an elderly person so badly. I am truly upset that this store would go to these lengths to make a sale by ripping off people and being disrepectful.

Company: Circuit City
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grand Rapids
Address: 600 28th Street Southeast
Phone: 6169773760
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