Best Buy Geek Squad TV Repair
Best Buy Black Tie Protection is a Fraud! Columbia

Electronics and household app.

My brand new 46 inch Samsung TV was purchased from Best Buy in Columbia SC on 22 OCT 08. On 30 DEC 08 my TV screen's picture flickered out and I was left with only sound and a very faint backlight.

After calling 1888BESTBUY and talking to a Geek Squad TV Repair agent, she was unable to book me an appointment due to a computer error. She told me she put in a request for someone to call to set up my appointment time within 24 hours. I contacted Geek Squad on 2 JAN 09 for the status of the appointment and they informed me it was still being worked and to call back on the 5th.

I called on 5 JAN 09 and was told an appointment was scheduled for 6 JAN 09 at 10am (Thanks for asking if I could be home for that instead of just giving me a time). I asked the agent for the company who would be servicing my TV and their number and she gave me Dan's TV repair in Sumter SC. I called up the company to confirm the appointment time and was told by Dan himself that, A: he doesnt work on Samsung TV, B: He does not do service calls with Best Buy.

I immediately called Geek Squad back and was put on hold by the agent for 5 minutes while she called the company. She came back on the line and told me she had called Dan's and worked it out and the appointment would stand. I asked her to hold while I called to confirm this and what do you know Dan answers the phone again and says no one had called!

The agent sounding completely stupid at the moment arranged another company to come out on 7 JAN 09 (Protronics in Manning SC). Protronics came to service my TV and told me it was a bad panel and they needed to take the TV to repair it. Once they left I called Best Buy to request a loaner TV (which as part of the $449 i paid for the black tie protection is supposed to get me a comparable TV for free during repairs).

I'll sum this one up quicker, called one agent who told me Protronics was supposed to bring a loaner TV. Protronics people told me they only repair TV's they dont have loaners (their a small family company). Called second agent same day and they put in a request for a loaner TV (should hear back same day). Called next day spoke to agent who said the previous agent didn't put in the request correctly and that she would foward it out. I had to wait 2 business days to hear back.

On 9 Jan 09 called back an agent told me it was still being processed (another long weekend without a TV). Called back 13 JAN 09 and was told yet again by an agent Protronics should have brought a TV to me! This time I requested a geek squad supervisor "Dan" who apologized about all of the previous issues including me having to call close to ten times. After looking at the information he repeated that Protronics should have brought a TV...

At this point I lay into him about the whole process to which he is sympathetic but unable to do anything besides put in an "fast tracked" request for me to get a loaner. I ask him who the request goes through and he continues to say Protronics! He then explains to me the loaner TV as being part of the Black Tie Protection program is new and they are still working out the kinks. What do I care about your kinks, I paid 449 bucks for something that is failing me and all you can tell me to do is wait while your process continues to go in circles and i'm left without a TV?

I called and spoke to another supervisor today 15 Jan 09 to check the status and guess what? Its still pending! Big suprise and yet again i'm told she will put in some stupid request that takes 24 hours and someone should call me tommorrow. My TV repair, which is supposed to be done on 23 JAN 09 will probably beat this "loaner" TV to my house.

Best Buy Geek Squad listen up, your agents lied to me several times and your supervisors don't know how to do anything besides put in trouble tickets. I have no satisfaction with your company and I have no TV in my house and its been 17 days. Great protection program huh? I'll be going to the store to rip someone a new one this weekend and to hopefully get some kind of refund or a gift certificate or something for all this crappy customer service.

I will never buy another damn thing with your company and i'm paying off my best buy card next week and closing it. You guys suck!

Company: Best Buy Geek Squad TV Repair
Country: USA
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