Cancelled two phones one on contract and one not for bogus charges getting charged for two early termination fees

Electronics and household app.

After being with a couple of bad companies in the late 90's i decided to go with Suncom reason being they had an unplan at that time for $39.95 and I talked a lot. I was with Suncom for about four years never really had a problem with them, didn't even complain when they upped the price on the unplan. Just figured it was inflation like everything else.

After getting a sony walkman I started to have problems with my bill in 2006. I received a bill one month for about $460.00. At the time I also had another phone on my plan both which I had been to my understanding paying $5.95 a month for internet in case I went on it.

When calling Suncom about the bill I was told that it was for the biggest part of it was for internet charges and downloading songs. Needless to say I had only been on the internet for 2 minutes and had never downloaded a song. You could use the usb cable and get them from your computer for free.

When I told the lady that that was not the case she told me that well you do not have internet on your phone so when you access the internet you get charged for it. So in return I told her that my plan included internet for $5.95 for a certain amount of mb and if I went over that then I understood I would be charged but there was no way that that was the case.

She then told me that she did not see that on the account. When I asked well if I am not paying that and you say I don't have it how could I have accessed it for the few minutes i was on it? She then changed her story and told me that all phones come with internet. Well then I decided to speak with a manager.

When speaking to the manager and explaining that if this was how I was going to get treated I was going to cancell my contract i was told that he would credit my account for the charges because they did not want to lose my business. So I thanked him and payed for the part of the bill the next day that I was told I owed which was my regular bill.

A few weeks later in the mail I received a letter stating that I still owed for these internet charges along with another letter telling me that my other phones contract was up and call if I wanted to renew it. Well I then of course called customer service. I spoke with a representative there who could not help me at all so she put me through to a manager.

The young lady who was supposed to be a manager was very rude. I told her that I would not like to renew my contract for my second phone and i needed to find out why I was still getting charged for these bogus internet charges. She told me "That is what you owe so that is what you have to pay". When I told her the manager i had spoke with and what he said she told me I was a liar and he did not say that.

When asking her then to go and listen to the tapes (since conversations are supposed to be recorded) she got even nastier with me and said "are you gonna pay it or not?" When I asked to speak to the guy that i had spoken with she told me I could not. When i asked her why not she said "Cause You are talking to me." When I told her I did not want to talk to her any longer then she told me that he was not available. After getting the run around with her I told her to shut the phones off and I would pay the $200.00 for my first phone's early termination.

So within one minute the phones were shut off. A couple weeks later I get a bill with the early termination fee and the internet charges still on there. When I replied to the bill and told them I would only pay the cancellation fee and the last months bill the only thing I got in the mail was a letter saying to please contact them to get a new contract and to not leave the company and they would upgrade my phone.

Being that I did not want to deal with them anymore I replied and told them no thank you and to fix the bill. Of course after that the next thing in the mail was from LHR saying I owed almost $900.00 dollars. When I called LHR they told me they bought my debt from suncom and that not only was I being charged for the internet service still but now i was being charged with two cancellation fees. One for each phone. The second phone was not even on contract.

And you cannot get through to anybody at suncom after it hits LHR it is ridiculous. I used to think they were a good company. I hope that they get their behinds sued for all the people they stole from and have ripped off. You do business by treating your customers well not by ripping them off. I am reporting them to whoever i can.

For all of you who are planning to go with Suncom now they have joined with T mobile. Just cause they got a new name don't be fooled they are just trying to find a new way to rip you off. All that sounds and looks great isn't.

Company: Suncom
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
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