Overnight Genius
Total fraud

Electronics and household app.

I am writing to complain about this business. I ordered software for $1.95 postage and handling, which I received. I did not realize it was a 10-day trial, and there was nothing in the packaging indicating that it was a trial, or that there was a time limit for returning it. Since I had other things on my mind, I did not return it within that time, and about a month later I received another package from Overnight Genius. Now I had given them my credit card # when I ordered the $1.95 package, and discovered the following month when I received a third package, that I had been charged about $80 for each of the three sets of software.

I know I was stupid to give them my credit card. But they never enclosed a bill or a receipt in their packaging, and when I called them up and screamed, they advised me that they would only accept one package as a return and would charge a 25% restocking fee on that return.

Nothing that was enclosed with the software indicated any of this, and my screaming did no good, so I wrote to the BBB in Denver and gave them the whole sad story. The business responded to the BBB and to my complaint in the most self-serving and mealymouthed way, which made me even more furious and I told the BBB that I was not satisfied with their response, that the terms of the so-called agreement had never been provided to me, and that I felt that the practice of not enclosing a receipt and/or invoice in the package was at the least sharp practice and at the most fraudulent.

The BBB offered to arrange mediation or arbitration, but it did not seem feasible to me for $200 to go to Colorado from New Jersey, so I advised them to close their file. So, I'm out the money, but I've learned a lesson. I hope that my experience with this extremely slippery company will prevent someone else from losing money.

Company: Overnight Genius
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
Site: overnightgenius.com
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Overnight Genius
Ripped off by sharp practices

Overnight Genius
Credit Card Stolen, then Package came from company

Overnight Genius
Offered a 10 day trial and charged me anyway!

Overnight Genius
Free Trial Offer NOT FREE Internet

Overnight Genius - On Genius, Rising Star Learning
Overnight Genius also known as (On Genius, Rising Star Learning), (O. G) has violated my consumer rights by sending misleading advertisements and imposed improper selling practices to consumers who purchase online Boulde

Overnight Genius
Charged for Unordered Merchandise

Ivory White
Product was to be sent as a FREE TRIAL, days after receipt I was charged $78.41. After 2nd package & $84.36 later, I return the package as instructed. Never received by refund as promised

Overnight Genius
Sent software not ordered and billed C. Card with out my approval

Charged more than receipt

Biotab Nutraceuticals Inc. / Extense.com
Send Unwanted product and charged without permission