Overnight Genius
Sent software not ordered and billed C. Card with out my approval


This company lures you with free trial software and then bills you every month for their programs, with out any approval.

The customer service Rep only reads a statement to you about how you approved this.

This is a big rip off

Company: Overnight Genius
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
Address: 6899 Winchester Circle Suite 103
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Overnight Genius
Unauthorized charges

Overnite genius
Did not orde

Overnight Genius
Billed me for something I didn't orde

Overnight Genius
Total fraud

Overnight Genius
Ripped off by sharp practices

Overnight Recovery Software
Ripoff dishonest company no way to use software fraudulent ripoff business

Consumer Report

New Healthy Saving - Free Software Outlet
Ripoff dishonest billing

Mediapipe And MovieLand.com
Ripoff, trial period over and must pay for service that I didn't want

Charged my credit card $52.92 instead of the $12.95 advertised