Customer service, the worst i have ever dealt with India?

Electronics and household app.

I just read a report that is almost identical to mine with tech support at Belkin. Tech support is obviously located in India or nearby country, they all have the exact same book that they read from regardless of what you have already tried... So here goes the gist of it.

Stopped at Best Buy to purchase a wireless router for the house. Get home hook up seems pretty simple. Everything is online, my laptop is cruisin from across the house and the Wii is hooked up. Hmmm, no internet, wait now it's back... Oh now it's gone again. Called my internet provider, found it was not a problem with them so proceeded to call Belkin's 24 hour support at around 10 pm.

I dial the number and after about 56 mins of listening to music and how important my phone call is to them, I get the same message that I heard when I first called that told me to push 1 and 2 and whatever other numbers to get to the tech support. I figure ok it looped back because I was on hold for so long. So I punch it all in again, and about ten minutes later it did the same thing. Finally it starts ringing.

"David", answers the phone. Right off the bat, can not understand half of what he is saying. He asked for my name, address, phone number. I gave him my first name and last initial and phone number (big mistake on the phone number if you value your sleep). Then we went through the whole product and version number. I told him what was wrong and still don't think he listened, but either way he started to read his script. I also attempted to tell him all the things I have tried with restarting the router. That did not matter one bit.

We get to a point of resetting the router... Again. I tell him that if I reset it it will cut the phone out as well do to VOIP. He says ok and starts to give me instructions on what I need to do. Being that I already reset the router I figure I'll just start doing what he is telling me. I tried to communicate the fact that I was not going to restart the router, and again, he said I had to so I just told him that I did and it's all back online. I continue to follow his directions and give him feedback on what is happening, but sounds like he is not listening and just keeps reading his script. Finally he says, "Well you are not listening to my directions so goodbye." and hangs up.

At this point I am furious, call right back and to my surprise, David answers the phone. "Are you the David I just talked to?", "No sir there is a lot of Davids here but it was not me." I guess David is all the rage now days overseas. Anyways, this guy after getting my info again, reads the exact same script, no kidding word for word what the last guy said. I told him I already did all that and he continued to read. I entertained it and let him finish. He tells me that I need a level 2 tech, but they are all busy so they will have to call me back in a few minutes. This is at about 1130 pm, I told him no one was going to call me, it was after 11pm and my kids were sleeping. He says ok. I packed it up and planned to return it to BB the following day.

I head to bed and about midnight the phone rings, it's belkin tech support, only he sounds australian or british. I here his voice and immediately went off with words that i will not post here, but informed him not to call again, the time, and that I was returning the product. Sounds good right, oh no 8am the next morning, they call me again, I think this guys name was Mike which I doubt, again told him I was returning the product and never to call my house again.

In the end, I will never buy Belkin products again. The customer service failed in every aspect from my standpoint.

Company: Belkin
Country: USA
State: California
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