Dish Network - Echostar
Falsely accused by this company of damaging their equipment

Electronics and household app.

I was a customer of Dish Network for over eight years. When my DVR ceased to function, I called them and requested the same model. They said they would send a refurbished one, completely tested. They did, and I sent the original one back in the box they provided with the packing material they provide and by the delivery service they designated and paid.

The second machine came through my front door in malfunctioning condition. I called and they said they would send another (refurbished, but, of course, completely tested - yeah, right) machine. I also went through the same procedure directed by Dish Network to return the second machine.

The third machine (refurbished - well, you know the drill) came through my front door in malfunctioning condition. Same thing all over again.

Then I received a letter from Dish Network saying that I had damaged the exterior of the second machine before I packed it. I had moved that machine approximately 24 inches from the television to it's box sitting on my bed. I did not drop or damage the machine in anyway in that 24 inches.

However, instead of Dish assuming that it had been damaged by the transport company they hired and paid or in their own warehouse, they chose to accuse me because I was the easy target. Now you tell me - where was the machine more likely to be damaged? In my bedroom or tossed in a transport truck or a warehouse?

I immediately cancelled my service with Dish Network. Aside from not being at all customer oriented, this company has been stupid enough to blow off an eight-year customer for the sake of an already malfunctioning machine. They sacrificed the customer relationship for less than $100, which I have not paid and will not pay, so really they sacrificed the relationship for nothing at all. Really folks, you just can't get much dumber and nastier than Dish Network!

Company: Dish Network - Echostar
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Englewood
Address: 9601 S. Meridian Blvd
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