Dish Network
Don't Trust Dish! Pasadena California

Electronics and household app.

Watch out for when you cancel Dish! I decided to switch companies after Dish has started a new policy of flashing pop ups when your account is past due. Now, poor planning on my part when we signed on, but the bill is due the 27th and we always have paid on the 10th from day one which is 2 1/2 yrs and not have had any issues with pop up reminders. I called and told them to cancel our service on Sept 16th, which they did. It is now the 26th, and I am still waiting for my boxes for the receivers which is a total of 3 receivers, they have only sent 2 boxes and I am trying to get a 3rd one. Meanwhile, their automated phone system says they disconnected us for non payment, I had fits about that, and my account is noted we voluntarily disconnected. I get a final bill stating service interupted due to past due oweing. I got 3 calls the first week w/out their service saying if you don't get the boxes in 7 days to let them know, which I have done, customer service is horrible, you can't understand them hardly, then I am told 3 different dates to when the boxes were shipped out. Why is it that they waited 9 days AFTER we disconnected them to ship out boxes? Then today 9/26 I get automated call stating they are have already started the process of charging my credit card for the receivers. How can I send them to them when I have no boxes? I called corporate office 303-723-1000 who put me to the customer service department of the executives. I was told no charges have been put against my debit card. I asked how they can just charge my account when they are not authorized to do so. I was told it is in our contract. What contract? We never signed a contract believe it or not. I do not trust them. So now i have to cancel my debit card so they don't charge me. They pulled the same stunt with some family a couple years ago, and long story short they turned them into collections and they had to fight against it. They apparantly like to stall and everything waiting until the time is right to send the boxes knowing that it can take 7-10 days for them to receive the receivers and by then its too late per "contract" So my suggestion to you is to never pay on line and go to a local center if possible to pay them or send money orders so they don't try to pull this same stuff on you.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8003333474
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