USA Wholesale Club
'Fxxk' customer through the phone. Unbelievable rude rip off store

Electronics and household app.

I wanted to order a LCD TV from them since the price was very attractive. Before I placed the order, I called and wanted to ask how much they would charge me for a re-stocking fee if in case I had to return the TV. The man who answered the phone was extremely rude. He did not answer my question and hang up the phone by saying Sir, go fxxk yourself. I was really upset and did not believe any normal people would say that to their customers.
Therefore, be very careful. When you spend thousands dollars in this store, think twice whom you are going to deal with.

Company: USA Wholesale Club
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Aventura
Address: 19901 E. Country Club Dr
Phone: 8007328092
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