Www.Bad Dishonest Rebate Processing, No answer to the rebates questions Ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I purchased two cellphones in Jan. They (inlucind one from T-mobile) gave the first two rebates of $50 each for both as per the plan (after one and two months).

For the third rebated which $150 each, they have not paid till December 6th. Everytime I ask their rebated processing center (which they changed in Sept) I get the usual answer that the rebates are approved and the checks are in process.

Every time I have receied the information that the rebates would be ready in two to four weeks, but we cannot guarantee.in fact we can not contact this company for any rebate issues, the automatic repsonce directs to the www.cellphonerebates.com.

I have successive emails and printouts of what they have been saying so I have proof for what I have written.
I would suggest not to buy services from them.

Company: A1wireless.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8883788091
Site: a1wireless.com
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Inphonic - T-mobile - A1wireless
Inphonic - t-mobile - a1 wireless rebate ripoff fraud

Ripoff ripoff rebates Long Island City New York

A1Wireless USA
A1Wireless, A1 Wireless will not honor their rebates. Rebate requirements are nearly impossible to comply with. Ripoff

Inphonics, Rebate Processing Center
Rebate Rip-Off of $400.00

The ripoff artist claims another victim Hard to believe this company has so many complaints and is still not shut down

Inphonic Cell Phone Rebate Center
Ripoff! Beware-processing time has no end-will not comply

In-Phonic - rebate ripoff Will not honor rebate after 2 approvals

Inphonic - Cellphonerebates.com
Inphonic - Cellphonerebates.com rebate ripoff rebate plan for $400 2 $50 and 2 $150 sent required info have certificate of mailing my info is non existant since I told them this

Inphonics (Wirefly.com)
Wirefly.com Rebate Offers are Fraudulent! Don't be Fooled! Internet

Inphonics (Wirefly.com)
Wirefly.com Rebate Offers are Fraudulent! Don't be Fooled! Internet