Ripoff ripoff rebates Long Island City New York

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I am a T-mobile customer and I purchased the family plan with a1wireless. My husband is the primary account holder.

I am very dissappointed with the way A1wireless rebates department is handeling the rebates. I did not received my rebated untill to date. I spoke a representative and she informed me that my appreciation rebate was sent out on October 18th and I haven't received it yet.

Also, she said that my rebate of $50 per phone cannot be processed as it was supposed to be submitted along with the third months bill. This is totally not acceptable, as I made sure that all the documents that were need to be sent out are send out correctly and as per my knowledge I was not required to send the 3rd months bill, I was only required to send the second months bill. I also call in and spoke to a gentlemen before mailing the rebate forms, he never mentioned that the third months bill was required.

I also called in, to check the satus of my rebated some months later (some time in September) and the gentlemen i spoke to said that my first check of $50 will be sent out 2 weeks after October 2nd and my second check of $ 50 per phone ($100 total) will be sent out 2 weeks after the 2nd of december. He never mentioned to me that some of the requirements are missing and I needed to send it 3rd months bill. (As per my knowledge i sent all the required documents). The representative said that my first check was sent out on October 18th and I never received it till now.

This is a very upsetting event and Its not worth losing $150, rebate amount. I am very disappointed with way the things are handeled and 100% sure that i was not required to send the 3rd month's bill.

I was asked by the representative to check the website a1wireless.com to go through the terms of the rebates. I checked the website but could not locate the terms.

I strongly suggest everyone never to deal with A1wireless as its fraudulant and dishonest.

I just hope I get my money back.

Company: A1wireless
Country: USA
Site: a1wireless.com
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Rebate Rip-off! Deceitful company!

Www.Bad Dishonest Rebate Processing, No answer to the rebates questions Ripoff

Inphonic - Wirefly - Intelenet Wireless RIPOFF Promised Rebates are NEVER given They destroy manipulate the records to support their false claims. New York

A1Wireless USA
A1Wireless, A1 Wireless will not honor their rebates. Rebate requirements are nearly impossible to comply with. Ripoff

Rebate ripoff

Never paid rebates talked to them for two years every 3 moths got a different story

Intelenetwireless - A1wireless
Intelenetwireless - a1wireless.com - intelenetwireless - A "company policy" that rips off unsuspecting customers Ripoff

A1Wireless USA
Rebate ripoff Never sent $310 in Rebates, not a single rebate

Ripoff poor customer service rebate

A1Wireless USA
Ripoff deceptive fraudulent rebates