Ripoff fraudulent billing

Electronics and household app.

I purchased my account with sprint through my work, costco Wholesale, working for them gives you a program discount.

I was told to call Sprint before the end of the month to have that discount added to my account.

I was told by sprint's customer service that the discount would not be added to my first months bill. Of course I was not told that before so I expressed how upset I was that they would not be adding that discount onto my first bill.

So I asked to speak to someone in charge and was told no one was able to come to the phone. So after getting upset she put me on hold and came back within 5 mins.

She explained that she spoke to her boss and was told to go ahead with the discount. I thanked her and thought nothing of what she was about to do.

So in the mail I get my second bill of the full price without the discount and another second bill with the discount price. The same month, dates are two days apart. I thought thats a little weird but never did I realize they were billing me two different amounts and minutes with two different account numbers.

So of course I paid the one I thought was the correct amount, the one with the discount. So now I am going into my third month.

Well this is when everything hits the fan. I then noticed they put the deposits of my two phones onto an account showing I had a balance due and a late fee. It didnt make any sense to me until I noticed I had two different account numbers.

So I call customer service thinking they will fix this for me, oh no she then goes to tell me I owed that amount, mind you I had already paid that months bill. I said no you are wrong. You guys have two accounts opened for the same cell number.

She lets me know that when they applied the discount through my work, they opened a new account. But they never closed the old one. So I said cancel that account, there is no reason I should have two accounts with two amounts being billed for the same month for one cell number.

Well then she puts the balance due on the old account, which I had already paid, Onto my new account number with the discount.

I was so upset they just didnt care what they were doing to me. So I thought I will take this into a store, to let them see the bills they were sending me. I couldn't believe them. They were just as bad as the customer service phone reps. They told me they couldn't do anything in the store to help me. That I had to go through customer service.

So not only am I out more then $190.00 dollars they also charged me phone ringers I never purchased. So I was going to send all my bills to the main office. To show them what they did. But will it really help me any, I don't feel it will.

I am so angry with this company and I've only had them for 3 months... They are fraudulant! So I am going to take it to Costco's main office and let them know what kind of phone company is in their store selling their members bad service.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palmdale
Site: sprintpcs.com
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