Best Buy
Will not supply a suitable power supply under extended service contract, ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I signed a contract for 300.00 that Best Buy would replace any defective units with comparable equipment, mainly the power supply for a Gateway 7426GX Athlon 64 laptop computer. The first one, a Gateway brand designed for the laptop, failed after 9 months of use. Best Buy replaced it with an inferior unit, a Hig Capacity brand that was very different to what I had before (shorter cord, big rf unit in the way, no bend in plug, ran hotter, and within a week was not always working, after three weeks was limping along.

Now the thing doesnt work at all and I can't use the laptop. A month ago I had taken it in and they said they would work on getting me a more comparable unit.

I followed their direction to do a parts search and spent two and a half hours on the phone, 7 different places. I finally lined one up from Gateway, but would have to call back the next day on a toll phoneline and wait 'probably 20 minutes.' They also wanted me to send the old one in and also required a credit card deposit. I have no credit card, and resent having to spend anything above the 300.00 service plan. I refused.

I took all the information, the name of the Gateway rep who said they were ready to send it out to me, and I took the service number (flagged) to Best Buy and said this is all you have to do; call this number, ask for this guy, and problem solved.

It is now a month and a week since that exchange and I have been in to Best Buy twice and they have cintinued to pass the buck around. Today, 3-25-06, I was finally called back, and they directed me to 'call Best Buy parts search' (AGAIN!) I said no. I paid you 300.00 to do this. I said 'you have a week to take care of this or I will pursue a breach of contract and demand a full refund for the entiore unit.'

The Best Buy store supervisor gave me the corporate office to contact, a toll numner. I said I will not call them, I do not feel like I should have to pay and spend more time in 'the run around.' I believe I am in the right here. I didnt buy an inferior product after careful consideration, and if they had replaced the defective 'replacement' power supply with one truly comparable, then I wouldn't be in this situation.
All they had to do was call Gateway, which I had lined up for them - after almost three hours on the phone.

I am not happy with the treatment I have received from Best Buy. I am seeking someone who could help me get what I paid for, a working laptop. It sits on the shelf now, because I cannot charge it. I paid $1840.00 for it w/a 300.00 3-year service plan. I do not make a lot of money, and still owe on the unit (almost a year old).

The rep hung up on me because I finally got mad. I was polite but forceful up until now. This is outrageous! This is much worse than their rebate scams where you gotta call a couple times before you get one.

I used to recommend BestBuy to others, and have bought a ton of stuff through them (none ever requiring service). But I will not recommend them to anyone again.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bellingham
Address: Meridian Street
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