Ripoff - Switch and Lie - "no supervisor availible"

Electronics and household app.

On 3/31/05 I almost fell over when I saw a bill for over $200!

Why? I was on a contract for 29.99 per month unlimited. Yes - Unlimited. From At&t originaly, but now cingular is the owner of this piss poor conglomerate. I state I want to speak with a supervisor and got a robotish person who quoted "there is no one available - they can call you in 48 to 72 hours". I asked if i might get a # to contact them? No was the continuous answer for an hour. Then when I asked to cancel my account immeadiatly they said I was 3 days into the new cycle and could NOT cancel till the end of next month. Wow NO One to Complain to and they will still charge me for a service I DO NOT WANT! Some law being broken? I sure hope so and hope the F.C.C. Can help. This clown in costomer service had the ghall to yell and hang up on me. He was rude and offerd NO solutions and said I was in agreement as I paid last months bill. What a shame.

Company: Cingular
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Bothel
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Cingular Wirless
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Cingular Wireless

Cingular Wireless
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Cingular Wireless
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Cingular Wireless
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Dishonest, fraudulent, lying thieves, ripoff

Cingular Wireless
Rip Off Company

Cingular - AT & T
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