Tom McKeever
We will file legal action agaisnt tom for damages for his lies and his refusel of not sending us our order

Education & Science

First of all tom didn't never send no three tapes we never got the got the tape when we mailed him the check for $18 dollars then about a week later the check had cleared the bank and weeks went bye and we got nothing in the mail.

Then we started e-mailing him asking for the order telling him that the check had cleared the back and we got records of it he started playing these games always asking that we send a copy of the check well we was always busy to where we couldn't run to the bank and get it then he became rude and ugly toward us for no reason telling us never to e-mail him again and that he wasn't going to send us a thing.

We responded back we got rude back to him then he accused us of being rude first saying if we wasn't so rude to him to begin with that he would have sent it the next day he said that we were the problems of the world then he said that he would send it has a bloomin gift.

Then we gave him our address two weeks later nothing again he then contacted these legal eagle people we don't know who they are then they e-mailed our e-mail provider saying that we was harassing tom all we was doing was requesting that we get our tape which he refused to send from the very beginning and caused all this conflict he lied to those legal eagle people then they e-mailed a photocopy of the package our post office had screwed up returned to sender no such address know make the problem even more worse know tome thinks we supplied him with a false address then these legal eagle people said case closed and that they weren't going to send us another tape.

Then around Oct. 2003 i filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau for tom never sending us our order again he was harassing very rude and hostile just like we had to put up when we was dealing with him in Auh said a bunch of lies about us of course never admitting to what he had done to cause all of this to them then tome finally mailed us our order after 2 years of trying to get it nobody rips my money of and then i found and told my story and then tom wonts to sue us nobody threantens to sue us because we have done nothing to this man for he just didn't like it because we confronted him and went after him this man is crazy for the things he said to us.

We will no longer put up with any more abuse from "Tom" we don't care how much he hates us but he is not going to threaten us and get away with it and know he has told another lie this time saying he sent it bye certfied mail for where someone has to sign for it tom didn't sign for it bye certfied mail it came threw regular mail my grandparents didn't sign anything he's a liar

Thanks for exposing tom for who he really is a lying, theif, for all the things he said to us and a pig he don't like it well to bad we don't care what he likes were tired of these rip off idiots like "TOM" who rip off our money and know 6 or 7 months after its over with i found one his website a public comment board i found where he had voided out my comments i had put of what he done to me these legal eagle placed that their seeking damages accusing us of tom had sustainted no where the only ones that had sustatained damages but we decided to forgive and let it go put i just wanted to point out what really happend that tom "TOM" is a "LIAR" that he wonts to keep it going for no reason so i'am writing about it again he is so mad that we went after which was our right to do that he wonts to sue us he needs to face up own up to his own mistake but he doesn't wont to do that below is what i found of what those legal eagle people said about me.

Nobody threatnes to sue me for something i haven't done.

— We are helping THE CAPE staff by recommending legal action for damages against the below Ryan (Jones) and his associates. GA State attorney's office has been notified. FWIW: This "gentlemen" and his "mother" were sent tapes THREE times, the last having been USPS-Verified as signed for by his Grandparent. & — NOW, with THAT aside, we are also attempting to get DVD's of the THE CAPE episodes. Stay tuned!

Appartenly tom can't let stuff go he has to keep it going i forgot about it when i got my tape tom is just an angry man who hates it when people confront him about stuff i will not put up with it from these people let them try to bring legal action agaisnt us we can get a copy of the check and prove that tom is a liar.

We have no problem with the cape show it was a good show but tom's additude is the real problem because of how he was going to refuse to send us our order in which we had paid him to send we never got our order when we sent him the money it was horrbile how we were done when we were dealing with him threw e-mail he said that he was not going to send a thing get this if we haven't been rude to begin with our order would have been mailed the next day he was accusing of us being rude.

Then he told on me to these legal eagle people stating that i have been harassing him which i wasn't i was only asking him to send our tape what was so hard about that they e-mailed me stating to my internet service provider that i have been harassing tom for no reason telling them to please stop me they also e-mailed me a photo copy of the package and the address i supplied to tom our post office screwed up saying nobody lived their which i was living their and they put case closed on the photo copy saying they were not going to make tom send me the tape again.

Well before that i e-mailed tom the address of my grandparents house they didn't live to far from me they said it would be all right for me to give their address so we wouldn't have the same type trouble but tom refused thats when tom told on me to these legal eagle people even told on me to my internet service provider on me well after that i just let it go till a year later i found the better busniess bureau then i got the tape along with more lies like in his response to ya'll.

This tom lied saying that he sent it threw certifed mail requiring for someone to sign for it thats what he told the better busniess bureau my grandparents didn't sign for anything it came threw regular mail tom has no right to harass me all we wanted was to request our tape in which we paid for it he didn't own up to his end of the bargain know these legal eagle people started to bother me threatning to sue me for damages which tom has claim that we caused him no we are the only was that he has caused damanges to not sending us our order in the first place like he should have done lying about us insulting us.

We are not happy the way tom has treated us with his lies because he wanted to steal our money and get away with it he is a theif and a abusier it was none of toms busniess who lived at my address he had no right to look it up! We will sue tom for damanges lying about us and everything in which he has treated us.

After how he has treated us i hope his busniess is runied! Haha!

Company: Tom McKeever
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Cape Canaveral
Address: P O Box 66
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Tom Mckeever
The-cape he ripped off my money and never sent me my order Cape Canaveral

Orlando Better Business Bureau
Refused to help resolved complaints & puts false information on companies record ripoff

Tom Mckeever
THE-CAPE wouldn't send me my order after i had paid for it FLORDIA

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Ripoff sent me a bad tape. I sent it back. Was finally sent another one after 2 months. Its bad. She lied serval times about what was wrong with it. She is a fast talker. I still have tape. She would not get back with me. Ripoff

Metropolitan Adjustment Bureau MAB
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Ripoff knew that it was a rip off you had to sign up 12 people in your downline