Educational Testing Service
About ETS service

Education & Science

To whom it may concern: I took GRE general test in October and have received your letter about retaking the test just now. To tell you the truth, I have prepared for this test for a long time (about half a year) and I do not see any old examinations at least for me till now! I am a master student and will defend my thesis in November and will have my TOEFL test in November too. Besides, I have finished some PhD on-line applications to graduate schools in America, the application deadline of some universities or institutes is December 1st!! Does it mean that I can not appy these universities in time? Your abrupt decision will totally disturb my plan and arrangement! Your own mistake can not delay my application without any explainable report or any compensation! From viewpoint of law, you should compensate my loss. I can understand the difficulties that ETS meets and support your decision. Here I have only one basic requirement: Here I have only three basic requirements: 1. I strongly require that you refund the full test fee and allow me to retake the test in November 20th.2. I will cancel TOEFL test registered in November and ETS should refund a full fee. 3. ETS should help me explain detailed situation of GRE test and postpone the deadline of my GRE score to PhD program in my application. This is the most basic compensation according to my situation.

You should meet my this requirement or I will continue to strive for my right even resort to the law. I paid for the test, then you should be responsible for me. Yours sincerely, A Chinese studentOctober, 29th

Company: Educational Testing Service
Country: USA
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