Robert Hancock & John Craig
Robert Hancock President John Craig Hiring Director ripoff false promises tricked and lied to us We assumed it was the truth we should never assume it just makes a "ASS of U and ME"

Education & Science

They took my money & stamps. Promised me triple what i gave. If it sounds to good to be true, its not I would like my money back and what they promised! Lets take action!

Company: Robert Hancock & John Craig
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Gadsden
Address: M&R Enterprise P.O. Box 1584
Phone: 12126156424
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JP Enterprise, Robert Hancock
Robert Hancock, JP Enterprise, John Craig ripoff

Robert Hancock - John Craig
Ripoff rip off scam con artists

N Y Bassett
Robert Hancock, President John Craig, Hiring Directo

Homeworks, Stuff With Care, Robert Hancock And John Craig)
Homeworks, stuff with care, robert hancock and john craig, anwserd ad, sounds good at first they asked for $25 deposit promised you get triple back, recieved nothing scam!

DSB Home Stuffers - Robert Hancock & John Craig
DSB Home Stuffers Robert Hancock & John Craig ripoff

Robert Hancock/John Craig
Robert Hancock John Craig ripoff received the same info. Good thing I checked it out. I will not be a victim consumer fraud ripoff Thanks complaint

M. Stewart, Bartley Johnson, Robert Hancock, John Craig
M. Stewart, Bartley Johnson, Robert Hancock, John Craig Stuffing Envelopes Scam I was saved from the hassle

Stuff With Care - Robert Hancock And John Craig
Stuff With Care Robert Hancock And John Craig ripoff

Stuff With Care
Attempted rip-off USA

Robert Hancock - John Craig
Robert Hancock John Craig ripoff liars victimized us