Robert Hancock - John Craig
Robert Hancock John Craig ripoff liars victimized us

Education & Science

Hello My name is Denise, I sent 25 dollars to there company thinking I was going to make some money. I didn't I get screwed out of $25 and sending everything back.
All together I spent about 30 dollars thinking I had a job making extra money for my family. I need the money. I want to buy for my little girl and put a down payment on a house so she would have a yard to play but they lied and I want them to paid for it.

Company: Robert Hancock - John Craig
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atantica
Phone: 2126156424
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JP Enterprise, Robert Hancock
Robert Hancock, JP Enterprise, John Craig ripoff

Robert Hancock - John Craig
Ripoff rip off scam con artists

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Stuff With Care Robert Hancock And John Craig ripoff

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DSB Home Stuffers Robert Hancock & John Craig ripoff

John Craig - Robert Hancock
I mailed them a 25.00 money order to receive my material, and i got nothing, but them sending me back something saying that i have to pay 5 more dollars for training

M. Stewart, Bartley Johnson, Robert Hancock, John Craig
M. Stewart, Bartley Johnson, Robert Hancock, John Craig Stuffing Envelopes Scam I was saved from the hassle

Robert Hancock & John Craig
Robert Hancock President John Craig Hiring Director ripoff false promises tricked and lied to us We assumed it was the truth we should never assume it just makes a "ASS of U and ME"

Homeworks - Aka, Stuff With Care, Robert Hancock And John Craig)
Homeworks aka stuff with care, robert hancock and john craig ripoff envelope stuffing scam

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Robert Hancock, President John Craig, Hiring Directo

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