Armando Montelongo
Continued charging me after product was returned within 30 day grace period

Education & Science

I ordered their program, which was suppose to be free, with the exception of a payment for Shipping and Handling. Of course, I knew there would be a catch, so I questioned the person taking my credit card information if I would be billed more then the agreed upon $9.95. The answer to this question was NO.
As we continued with our transaction, I asked the question in a different way. I asked if at anytime in the future I would be billed a re-occuring amount. Again the answer was NO. After being on the phone with this person for 10 minutes, she went forward with her spill that if I kept the program, I would be billed $29.95 a month for a certain amount of time. I asked her if she remembered my question about being billed more then $9.95 and she ignored me and continued with her scripted sales pitch. She did say that I could return the package within 30 days of recieving it and wouldn't be billed anything other then the initial $9.95 shipping charge.
I returned home about 2 weeks later from a business trip to find the package at my house, at which time I decided that I would return it because I didn't have the time to assess the program within the 1 month from delivery time restraint I was given. (Understanding that everything is always free until you recieve your credit card statement and see re-occuring charges, I really wasn't interested in the headache involved with this sort of scheme.)
When I called to return the package I was re-assured that I would not be billed anything other then the initial shipping and handling as long as they received the package back within the 30 day time restraint initially agreed upon. I ordered on 5-15-09, shipped it back to them on 6-4-09, they signed for it, acknowledging receipt of the return on 6-9-09. (I returned the package via FedEx and according to the tracking information, it was received and signed for on 6/9/09) They received the package on 6/9/09 and I was billed $29.95 on 6/30/09. I have tried to contact them a couple times, only to be re-directed to another contact # for a different department which would surely be able to handle the problem. I will make a final attempt tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to say it was a simple mistake and my account was credited. Will update the page as soon as I receive the funds back into my account.

Company: Armando Montelongo
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: 7850 Ruffner Ave
Phone: 8007716593
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