Access income from Home
Consumer Report


This web site advertised working from home as easy, and profitable. I looked into it, decided it wasn't what I wanted to do. I had to pay $9.95 just to look into this business, the $9.95 is not refundable. Once you "look into" the online business, you have a telephone interview. Not one time during this interview was I told that once they mail a package to me, it'd cost me $39.95. After I complained about having to pay $39.95 for a product I will never use, Amy said it's on the website under the terms and conditions. That is true, but they repeat the business process so many times, why didn't Amy take time to "tell" me during our phone interview, before she mailed me the package that if I chose not to do the business I'd have to pay for the package unless I returned it in the same condition. When I received the package, and I knew I wouldn't participate in their business, I simply tore the thin 8-1/2 size package in half, and through it away. It was after I destroyed the package that Amy said I'd be charged $39.95. I offered to return the torn paper and the unharmed disk to her, she refused, saying it had to be in the "exact condition" as when I received it. Amy told me I'd be billed 14 days after I declined work with them for not returning the package. That would mean she'd bill me on or after May 14th. I declined their job offer on April 30. On May 4th, I reviewed my checking statement, and Amy had billed and received the $39.95 before the "trial period - 14 days" had ended. I feel this is unfair business practice. I'd really like to get my $39.95 back, but not sure how to do it.

Company: Access income from Home
Country: USA
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PWW Google Biz Kit
Scam - Fraud

Legal Zoom
Business License - LLC

Overnight Genius
Offered a 10 day trial and charged me anyway!

Online Business System
Paying for information C d

Online Business Systems - Paula Czajkowski
ON If I feel that the package is damaged, I will charge you for it. It is my discretion, Slim Body Coach, Josh Bezoni,
Gns will not refund for product returned arvada colorado

National Small Business Akkiance
Ripoff refused to refund for a business package that was returned per thier instructions

Consumer Report

Coast to Coast Offshore
CTC Offshore mailed me my first package for free the second package they said I woulld need $65.00 for the second package and would need to send 16 envelopes to different companies and a extra $25.00

United Parcel Service
UPS - package delivery