Consumer First
Rip-off make you believe your receiving a credit card when all your getting is a catalog credit

Education & Science

I did, nt need some catalog order book you people made me beleive that I was receiving a mastercard. I would like a refund of 49.95 to my address, if you are decent people you would'nt deceive people that are having enough troubles in life.

Company: Consumer First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Phone: 8138794752
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Consumer First
Consumer first they made is seem like i was going to get a credit card they never said anywhere that is was a catalog members card consumer fraud ripoff

Consumer First
Consumer rip-off fraud

Consumer first
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Consumer first
Consumer first ripoff didn't say it for usless catalog order ripoff business from hell

Consumer First
Ripoff Consumer fraud - $54.00 platinum credit card catalog?

USA Platinum
Ripoff Consumer fraud CATALOG CARD vice CREDIT CARD rip-off

Consumer First Platinum
Ripoff, fraud, false advertising, deceptive company false promises ripped off and scammed

Consumer Preferred
Ripoff! Took $49.00

Capital Choise Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit rip-off

Consumer Credit Services, CCS
Consumer Credit Services aka CCS fraudulent ripoff business