Consumer First
Deceptive ripoff company

Education & Science

Suspicious Mailing...

I received a mailer that said I was approved for a Platinum Card with a $5,000 limit. It didn't say VISA or MasterCard anywhere on the letter and only had a P.O. Box listed so I immediately became suspicious! I'm glad I found this site or I may have mailed them $45! Thanks!!

Company: Consumer First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: P.O. BOX 15386
  <     >  


Consumer First Platinum Card
Rip-off Thanks to the consumer complaints Consumer First wasted their time and stamp mailing to me I hope more people find The complaint "First"!

Consumer First
Scam rip-off. Thank You consumer complaints

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff fraud business

Consumer First
Deceptive company

Consumer First
It's a well worded scam ripoff

Consumer First
Consumer rip-off fraud. Thank You consumer complaints

Consumer First
Ripoff fraud scam business

Consumer First
Platinum Card ripoff scam

Consumer First
Ripoff fraudulent bogus

Consumer First
Ripoff Fraud business ripoff